History of computer

History of computer in English-The first devices used for computation were mechanical devices - Abacus is called the first computer, Later Pascal Lawrence, Jacob, Berry etc. made many devices but no device had memory. Then in the seventeenth century Charles Babbage invented the Analytical and Difference machine in which memory was inserted and the invention of the modern era started in the modern era. Later memory is the greatest feature of all computers today, due to which Charles Babbage is called father of computer ENIAC is the first electronic computer, from which the era of electronic computer started - The improvements that were made in the computer, have been distributed according to the generation, how many types it is, in which generation, what improvements have been made.

History of computer in English
Third Generation

What is computer in English?

Generation of computer

First Generation (1945–1954) Second Generation (1955–1964) Third Generation (1965–1974) Fourth Generation (1975-till date) Fifth Generation (present and next)

First Generation (1945–1954) -

In this generation, vacuum tube technology was used, which made it possible to make calculations by realizing the computer.

Second Generation (1955–1964) -

Transistor technology was used in the second generation of computers. Which then made the computer a little shorter and faster.

Third Generation (1965–1974) -

Antigrated circuits technology was used in the third generation of computers, making it comparatively reliable and fast.

Fourth Generation (1975-till date) -

Micro-processor technology was used in the fourth generation of computers, which was found to be much faster than the first] second and third] reliable and smaller in size. Which you can easily lift and keep anywhere.

Fifth Generation (Present and Next) -

Artificial intelligence was used in the fifth generation of computers, which proves it to be a universal in computer technology. In which it also uses its own IQ.

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